
Today I was handed an interesting project around improve the SEO surface area of an AngularJS SPA for a client. After a bit of research on how to handle this, I decided that I should roll my own tool to solve this problem as it will give me greater flexibility later as opposed to going with a SaaS app like

Basic Concept

Google says they are doing a much better job rendering Javascript on websites. Awesome! But what about the other guys?

What we are going to do is leverage PhantomJS to render the angularjs code on the fly as the server requests the dynamic pages. This way we don’t have to deal with maintain a bunch of ERB files or pre-rendering static pages on our server.

The cost will be that the page load time will be a bit slower unfortunately and these requests will be expensive on memory, but we just want the fast (dev time-wise) solution to hit the ground.

PhantomJS client

First you need to install PhantomJS. If you are using Heroku to host your application, you will need to configure Heroku to run phantomjs with this build back.

Unfortunately there isn’t a great way to detect when the page is finished loading. My trick to solve this problem is for all of the controllers to set a status flag on the body tag noting they are finished running. Now all of my controllers look like this:

```coffeescript app/assets/javascripts/app/controllers/ app.controller ‘IndexCtrl’, ($scope, $rootScope) -> 
 $rootScope.status = ‘ready’;

and I have this on my `body` tag

```haml app/views/layouts/application.html.slim
  body data-status="{ { status } }"

So now I can watch the data-status to see when angular has finished running.

Now lets create a file. This will take in a URL and spit out the html for the page using PhantomJS.

```coffeescript lib/phantomjs/ #


This script takes a URL as argument. (In that order!)

The script then runs the Javascript on this page and waits until Ember has finished loading.

It then renders the resulting static HTML page to the console.


Keep track of whether the page has already been exported. The ‘setTimeout’ mess might cause it to be exported multiple times.

exportPageContents = -> unless pageHasBeenExported pageHasBeenExported = true console.log page.content console.log “Finished.” unless silence phantom.exit() return

#wait until angularjs says its ready waitForStatus = (page, callback) -> expiration = (new Date()).getTime() + 10000

# try and fetch the desired element from the page result = page.evaluate(-> document.body ) system.stderr.writeLine result

# if desired element found then call callback after 50ms if result system.stderr.writeLine “- trigger found” unless silence window.setTimeout (-> callback() return ), 50 return

# determine whether timeout is triggered finish = (new Date()).getTime() if finish > expiration system.stderr.writeLine “- timed out” unless silence callback() return

# haven’t timed out, haven’t found object, so poll in another 100ms window.setTimeout (-> waitForStatus page, waitForStatus return ), 100 return

fs = require(“fs”) system = require(“system”) page = require(“webpage”).create() pageHasBeenExported = false script = undefined url = undefined silence = undefined script = system.args[0]

if system.args.length < 2 or system.args.length > 3

# Output usage info and exit. console.log “Usage: “ + script + “ URL [silence]” console.log “ URL: address to open and run” console.log “ silence: enter ‘silence’ (without quotes) to only output the page content and suppress info messages” phantom.exit 1 else url = system.args[1] silence = (system.args[2] is “silence”) console.log “Will render “ + url + “.” unless silence url, (status) -> unless status is “success” console.log “Unable to load URL!” unless silence phantom.exit() else

  # Start a long timeout. When the page still doesn't seem to have finished loading after 30s, something has likely gone wrong. This timeout prevents a hangup of the server.
  window.setTimeout (->
  ), 30000
  waitForStatus page, exportPageContents
return ```

Side note

Much of this script was borrowed from Ember.js, Google Ajax crawling and Rails, but I didn’t like he was detecting with angularjs was finished. He was waiting for the page to finish its server requests, added some padding time and then finished. Waiting for the flag to be set is a better technique, because I know angular has finished.

Essentially this script takes in a URL, loads the page, and then waits for the flag to be set. If the flag takes longer than 30s to be set, it bails and just renders what it has. If you are on Heroku, you may need to shorten this flag to 15s, because Heroku has a request timeout of 30s.

Part 2